Androcles and the Lion
Fun Times With: Citizenship / Appreciation / Fairness |
Although most people possess everything needed for a comfortable existence, some do not fully appreciate what they have. This riveting retelling of Aesop's timeless fable emphasizes the importance of gratitude as it goes beyond the original tale. When Androcles’ enormous effort results in harsh punishment, he finally realizes the impossibility of satisfying his demanding slave master. Even though capture means his delivery to very hungry lions, Androcles escapes. When he comes across a wounded lion, he quickly and kindly offers aid. This results in a budding friendship between the pair until their unfortunate capture. What follows illuminates the significance of an act of kindness and gratitude for life and freedom. |
Chicken Little
Fun Times With: Trustworthiness / Respect / Truthfulness |
The phrase "jumping on the bandwagon" describes the actions of a person who joins in a cause without really considering whether it is the right thing to do. As exemplified in this cheerful retelling of a classic fable for children, this may not always be the wisest choice. Believing in a foolish superstition, Chicken Little is convinced that the sky is falling. In her distress, she convinces a number of other animal friends that this is indeed the case. One after another, the animals join Chicken Little, soon forming a frantic pack. Fortunately, Chippy Chipmunk steps in with wise intervention. What follows confirms the importance of critical thinking and the possible dangers of gullibility. |
The Ugly Princess
Fun Times With: Self-Esteem / Compassion / Seeking Wisdom |
While many people know that real beauty comes from within, it can be a difficult lesson to learn. The comments of others make Isabella feel ugly and sad until a wise old woman helps to change her focus. This inspirational story highlights the qualities of compassion, inner beauty, and healthy self-esteem. |
Dare To Dream! -
Fun Times With: Courage / Responsibility / Self-Discipline |
Nelson was a successful doctor, his best friend Jesse was an award-winning architectural engineer, and his brother Alvin ended up in jail. Nelson tells about his childhood surrounded by poverty, gang pressure, and a drug infested environment. His grandparents taught him, Alvin, and Jesse valuable lessons on how to become successful, but Alvin always resisted learning. Grandma tells about Benjamin Franklin, George Washington Carver, Helen Keller, and Abraham Lincoln. Nelson and Jesse, eager to learn, find inspiration from these great dreamers. In spite of their circumstance, these two friends become highly successful. Grades 1-4. |
Little Red Hen
Fun Times With: Responsibility / Courage / Fairness |
A good effort reaps great reward is a phrase often quoted by a multitude of moms and dads throughout the world. This retelling of a classic folk tale drives the message home in a charming and colorful way. While Little Red Hen works to grow her wheat, the dog, the cat, and the duck are full of excuses not to help. With each step, Little Red Hen offers to share the wheat in exchange for assistance, but the fair-weather friends always have more pleasant things to do. Will this affect their chances for a delicious slice of bread? This fun tale shares more than just a great moral. Readers will also enjoy a recipe offering a scrumptious, home-baked loaf of bread. |
Little Red Riding Hood
Fun Times With: Caring / Obedience to Parents / Safety |
Sometimes there is danger in being too friendly as is the case with kind-hearted Little Red Riding Hood in this loveable rendition of a Brothers Grimm classic. Distracted by the Big Bad Wolf with a bouquet of lovely flowers, the kind-hearted little girl forgets her mother's instructions and strays from the path on the way to Grandmother's house. Little does she know, the crafty wolf has devised a wicked plan to arrive at her house first. Will Grandmother meet an unfortunate end? Young readers will enjoy this lively tale illuminating the importance of listening to parents. Colorful and whimsical illustrations make a perfect accompaniment to this delightful story. |
The Ant and the Grasshopper
Fun Times With: Diligence / Work Ethic / Justice |
During the spring, the lazy grasshoppers play all day long while the ants work to store food for the winter, but what will happen when winter comes early? Will the ants share with the grasshoppers? Discover how both learn valuable lessons about diligence and hard work. |
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Fun Times With: Responsibility / Trustworthiness / Humility |
While grownups understand the magnitude of guarding sheep, children may lack an ability to see the bigger picture. Nicholas finds tending his family’s sheep to be mind-numbingly boring, which is why he ultimately makes the impulsive decision to cry “Wolf!” To his delight, his alert prompts the townspeople to drop everything and rush to his aid, but when the people discover they have been duped, they are livid. Nicholas finally comprehends the ramifications of his foolhardy decision when the wolf genuinely attacks. This time, no one comes to help, resulting in disastrous consequences. A retelling of Aesop's classic fable, this story goes beyond the wolf's attack and illustrates the power of honesty and the blessings of forgiveness. |
The Country Mouse & the City Mouse
Fun Times With: Cheerfulness / Appreciation / Peacefulness |
To many children, and a few adults, the idea of more toys and endless treats and goodies seems like the ultimate existence. This spirited rendition of Aesop's classic fable illustrates that this is not always the case. When it comes to personal contentment, bigger does not always mean better. Missing his city cousin, Country Mouse invites him for a visit. However, from the moment he arrives, the flamboyant and arrogant City Mouse shows contempt for his less-privileged cousin by incessantly bragging about his home and good fortune. In fact, he won't even consider spending the night and convinces Country Mouse to return with him for a visit in the city. His cousin cheerfully accepts, but what follows illustrates the significance of a simpler, safer life. |
The Donkey, the Fox, and the Lion
Fun Times With: Respect For Parents / Honesty / Health |
While most parents try to set a healthy example for their kids, some children just don't want to listen. Freddy makes one bad choice after another. When the leader of the gang uses him as a decoy, the young fox finally understands what his father told him. |
The Eagle and the Chickens
Fun Times With: Self-Esteem / Perseverance / Courage |
When fate sends a young eagle to live with a group of chickens, he discovers the pain and the joy of being different. This story emphasizes the importance of perseverance, courage, and self-esteem. |
The Emperor and the Seed
Fun Times With: Courage / Intergrity / Responsibility |
In choosing a successor, the emperor has given Ming a seed to cultivate, but it will not grow. To make matters worse, all six of the other candidates grow vibrant plants. Is there hope for Ming? This clever story highlights the importance of honesty, even when it is difficult. |
The Emperor's New Clothes
Fun Times With: Fairness / Citizenship / Honesty |
Sometimes people are willingly dishonest rather than risking embarrassment. Such is the case in this whimsical rendition of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic tale. Excessive fondness for elaborate and expensive clothing allows a pair of dodgy tailors to hoodwink the emperor. Weaving a grandiose tale instead of actual clothing, the tailors tell the emperor that their exquisite garments, woven with the finest of materials, are invisible to less worthy individuals. Reluctant to admit possible imperfections, no one in the town is willing to be honest, with the exception of one small boy. The conclusion of this tale extends beyond that of the original, shedding light on the benefits that come from always telling the truth. |
The Lion and the Mouse
Fun Times With: Courage / Caring / Perseverance |
Sometimes it takes a unique event to spark an appreciation for the small things in life as evidenced by this delightful retelling of Aesop's lovable fable. About to be devoured by the fearsome King of the Forest, Bitsy the Mouse manages to convince Leo the Lion to let her go in exchange for future assistance. While Leo cannot conceive of any way that a tiny mouse could help him, he does admire Bitsy's pluck and releases her. What he later discovers is that big help can indeed come in small packages. Through Bitsy, Leo also realizes the importance of keeping your word. |
The Lion and the Three Bulls
Fun Times With: Friendship / Trust / Teamwork |
Sometimes it is hard to comprehend why certain individuals choose to spread gossip about others. In this rendition of Aesop's timeless fable, the reason is crystal-clear: the lion is hungry and would do anything to have a delicious bull for dinner. Using malicious gossip, the sly fox helps the lion by separating the bulls for capture on the promise that he will receive his own tasty portion of the meal. Will the lion eat the bulls? In addition to cautioning children about the malicious spiral that gossip causes, this timely tale also illustrates the importance of unity. |
The Miller, His Son, and their Donkey
Fun Times With: Responsibility / Assertiveness / Courage |
There is an old saying that states, "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." Miller Elmo most certainly could have benefitted from this sage advice. His constant effort to please the local farmers grows into an obsession to satisfy everyone, which the miller unfortunately passes on to his son. The two learn the hard way what can come of always taking the advice of others instead of listening to your heart. This visually pleasing book is a poignant retelling of Aesop's classic fable, verifying that in trying to please everyone, no one is pleased. |
The Tortoise and the Hare
Fun Times With: Perseverance / Self-Discipline / Diligence |
Everyone enjoys a spirited competition, but when the challenger is a big-headed braggart, it's easy to cheer for the underdog or in this case, the under-tortoise. The colorful characters in this retelling of Aesop's beloved fable will tickle the fancy of any child. The forest animals are beyond tired of Harry Hare's boasting. So what if he is the fastest animal in the forest? Unfortunately, Teddy Tortoise is the only animal willing to race Harry Hare, but everyone knows that tortoises are not famous for their speed. What follows, illustrates the benefits that can come from having the courage to try. Readers will also gain a new appreciation for the saying, "Slow and steady wins the race." |
The Town Musicians of Bremen
Fun Times With: Self-Esteem / Teamwork / Civic Virtue |
When a donkey, dog, cat, and a rooster become too old to be useful to their masters, they decide to find a new way to be of value to the community. The four friends learn that helping one another and a positive attitude reaps great rewards. |
The Great Royal Race -
Fun Times With: Perseverance / Caring / Trustworthiness |
A tale of fame, fortune, and true love. Three handsome suitors compete for the hand of the beautiful princess, but only one chooses wisely. He perseveres and passes the royal test. |
I Am A Lion! -
Fun Times With: Self-Esteem / Respect for Parents / Assertiveness |
Sangu isn’t interested in learning. After getting lost, some gazelles befriend him and teach him their ways. After many disappointments, Sangu finally learns to accept himself. |
If Only I Were -
Fun Times With: Self-Esteem / Trust / Cheerfulness |
Missy the mouse has a very big problem--she wants to be like Horace the cat! Tired of being chased, Missy tries wishing her problems away. To her great delight, she learns that being herself is the best. |
It's Not Fair! -
Fun Times With: Citizenship / Teamwork / Responsibility |
Life couldn’t be better for Buzzie Bee. But she heard something that made her furious! Buzzie and the younger bees revolt and start a new hive. It’s a disaster! Then they make a discovery that transforms them. |
King of the Pond -
Fun Times With: Respect for Others / Forgiveness / Sportsmanship |
Tombo, the self-proclaimed biggest, fastest, and strongest tadpole, teases and chases all the other tadpoles. Tombo finally learns that having friends is better than being King of the Pond. |
Light your Candle -
Fun Times With: Citizenship / Caring / Community Service |
After witnessing all kinds of violence, Stephanie decides to “light her candle.” After encountering much opposition, Stephanie and her two friends transform their inner city school and neighborhood. |
The Little Red Train -
Fun Times With: Perseverance / Compassion / Civic Virtue |
Three big trains refuse to go up the mountain in the deep snow to bring food to the hungry people. But The Little Red Train with its brave helpers save the village. |
Mayor For A Day -
Fun Times With: Citizenship / Civic Virtue / Respect for Law |
Davy, the hometown soccer hero, becomes mayor for a day. Davy chooses to eliminate all rules, causing chaos throughout the whole town. But Davy finally saves the day. |
Miserable Millie -
Fun Times With: Respect / Trustworthiness / Fairness |
Millie always complained when things didn’t go her way. She steals money from her mother’s purse and runs away. After many disasters, she learns why rules and boundaries are important. |
No Longer A Dilly Dally -
Fun Times With: Diligence / Responsibility / Proper Work Ethic |
In contrast to Family Work First, the fun loving Dilly Dallys have a family tradition--play first, then work. But tough times convince the Dilly Dallys that they must change to survive. |
No One Will Ever Know -
Fun Times With: Honesty / Respect for Parents / Trust |
Ignoring the rules, four young squirrels listen to their friends and sneak away to Mr. Smith’s farm to eat big, delicious acorns. But trouble strikes when they meet a hungry wolf. |
Noise! Noise! Noise! -
Fun Times With: Tolerance / Friendship / Appreciation |
Marcus and Marcella hate the noise and work in the forest. After moving to the farmhouse their dreams come true. When their dreams get shattered, they discover the forest is a wonderful place to live. |
Proud Rooster and Little Hen -
Fun Times With: Humility / Respect for Parents / Self-Discipline |
Always ignoring everyone’s advice, Proud Rooster gets into all sorts of trouble. One day he goes too far, but that day changes him forever. |
Richest Poor Kid -
Fun Times With: Appreciation / Cheerfulness / Trust |
Randy hated being poor. When offered two wishes, he quickly wished everything he touched turned to gold. As he held his lifeless gold dog, he realizes happiness is more than possessions. His last wish transforms him. |
The Sly Fox and the Chicks -
Fun Times With: Trust / Safety / Obedience to Parents |
The sly fox disguises himself as a little lamb and trick all the chicks but one. Wendy escapes and finally discovers why chicks should never talk to strangers. |
Spike the Rebel! -
Fun Times With: Tolerance / Friendship / Cooperation |
Everywhere Spike the rebel goes he causes trouble. All the kids were afraid of him, except one. After Spike hits one of his bike traps, his life is radically transformed. |
Three Little Pigs -
Fun Times With: Diligence / Proper Work Ethic / Self-Discipline |
The three little pigs were warned to build strong houses. Hardy built a strong house, but Dozey and Pokey built shabby ones. After narrowly escaping from the wolf, Dozey and Pokey have a dramatic change of mind. |
Tied Up In Knots -
Fun Times With: Cooperation / Tolerance / Respect |
Two obstinate mules in a serious bind are forced to work together. Meanwhile, their stubborn owners watch and learn an important lesson about sharing. |
Time Remote! -
Fun Times With: Diligence / Self-Discipline / Responsibility |
Christopher has great dreams of becoming an inventor, but he acquires a time remote allowing him to avoid problems so he could play. As he leaps through time, he finally discovers the value of listening and learning. |
The Ugly Caterpillar -
Fun Times With: Respect for Others / Kindness / Friendship |
Speckles and Crumbs think Katy the caterpillar is too ugly to be their friend, but not Annie. Katy is transformed into a beautiful butterfly. Speckles and Crumbs finally learn about true beauty and friendship. |
You Move You Lose -
Fun Times With: Tolerance / Friendship / Cooperation |
Stubborn Stubby and Prissy are always disagreeing. After playing a game of “You Move, You Lose,” two raccoon bandits teach the cubs a lesson they will never forget. |
Your Job Is Easy -
Fun Times With: Respect for Others / Responsibility/ Forgiveness |
Jane complains to Sam about the crooked rows he had plowed. They decide to switch jobs for a day. But many unexpected experiences await them in this humorous adventure as they do each other’s “easy” job. |
Can You Help Me Find My Smile? -
Fun Times With: Caring / Cheerfulness / Citizenship |
Teddy the cub lost his smile, and only one bear knows how to find it. After much searching, Teddy discovers that making others happy makes big smiles. |