The Little Red Train 
Carl Sommer, Kennon James  (Illustrator) Hardcover

Price $9.95  Hardcover : ISBN 1-57537-014-X ; Dimensions (in inches) 0.37 x 9.25 x 6.75

Price $14.95  Library Edition Hardcover : ISBN 1-57537-061-1; Dimensions (in inches) 0.37 x 8.25 x 11.25

Fun Times With: Perseverance / Compassion / Civic Virtue
Reading level: Ages 4-8

Book Summary

    Trapped high on a mountain by deep snow, hungry townspeople wait desperately for one of the three big trains to bring them food, but they all refuse to go. However, The Little Red Train and a family of brave helpers take up the struggle against severe obstacles and save the people from starvation. 
    In this exciting and vividly illustrated book, Carl Sommer shows the value of perseverance, compassion, and civic virtue. 

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