Reviewers of Reading Success
Advance Publishing wants
to thank the various educators who have reviewed and offered their many
helpful suggestions for Reading Success.
Without their help we would not have been able to produce such a
program. Their willingness
to share their thoughts after many years of teaching literacy has helped
us produce Reading Success.
Dr. Mary McKelvy taught for 35 years,
and 16 of the years were in the prison system.
It was her suggestion to introduce in the beginning lessons just
a few multi-syllable words.
This she found was a great self-esteem booster for adults who had never
learned to read. This is by no means that they have all endorsed everything
there is in Reading Success, but many have given their
enthusiastic endorsement.
Dr. Morris Edelson, PhD in English
Dr. Catherine Clubb Foley, Ph.D.Thea
Jimmy Andrews
Jelanie Castillo—masters in reading
Iris Hirmas--Taught adults for 24 years
Dr. Linda Prager
Charlene Schnieder—Masters in early education
Fay Stanford
Marilyn Wilder
Patricia S. Cunningham--Taught literacy for 17 years
Dr. Mary McKelvy—Taught 35 years, with
16 years teaching in the prison system