All Titles are Part of Accelerated Reader® and Reading Is Fundamental®
Character Education Partnership, and Scholastic Reading Counts®

Accelerated Readerâ

    Accelerated Readerâ is an extremely popular reading program that helps school children get excited and challenged about books.  This program is used in over 45,000 schools. A library journal publisher said that receiving their endorsement was like getting the “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.”  It is a major accomplishment for a publisher to receive this endorsement for their books.   

      Reading Is Fundamentalâ

Reading Is Fundamentalâ (RIF) is the nation’s largest children’s and family literacy organization.  RIF, with an expected 360,000 community volunteers of parents, teachers, librarians, and others, will provide books and literacy resources to over 5 million children and their families.

Character Education Partnership

Character Education Partnership (CEP) is a nonpartisan coalition of over 100 organizations, such as NEA, AFT, National Association of Elementary School Principals, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and National PTA.  CEP is dedicated to the idea that character and education are natural partners in helping children become ethical, responsible adults. 

Scholastic Reading Countsâ

Scholastic Reading Counts® is a reading motivation and management software program to entice students to read independently.  It simplifies teaching, motivates reading, and provides flexibility for students.  Scholastic Reading Counts® is a subsidiary of Scholastic, the leading publisher and distributor of children's books in the English language.  (They are still processing the books.