Successful education requires more than teaching the 3 Rs. Educators must provide an environment where children are taught the social and emotional skills that will benefit them in their entire pursuit of education. Encouraging and teaching foundational social emotional learning (SEL) skills are especially critical for children in their early formative years.
One of the best methods to impart SEL skills is to provide children with action-filled storybooks that promote SEL skills, and that they enjoy reading or having them read. The greater the emotional enjoyment children receive from their education, the greater the effectiveness of their training. All award-winning Sommer-Time Story books weave in their inspiring stories positive character traits that encourage children to desire successful SEL skills. Children love Sommer-Time story books so much that librarians have reported they cannot keep the books on their shelves (See: Endorsements). The Sommer-Time resources of storybooks, read-alongs, and videos have won over 65 prestigious national awards (See: Awards) .
Tombo bullied all the other tadpoles. He finally learned that having friends and treating them right was better than being King of the Pond.
Christopher got to use Dr. Finkle’s time remote. Christopher hated school work and used the remote to just play. He finally learned to that school work was important.
The sly fox got the white, brown and black bull to hate each other so the lion could share a meal with him. The three bulls learn a valuable lesson.
Isabella overheard some girls make fun of her big ears and nose. She became very depressed. Finally she learned to accept herself, and a wise and kind man who became the next king.
The cat, dog, and duck make all kinds of excuses for not helping. When she bakes her delicious bread, she refuses to share her bread to those who refused to help.